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Bethel Community Storehouse Details Page

Bethel Community Storehouse

Contact Information
1719 4th Street
Moriarity, NM - 87035
Phone: (505) 832-6642

User Questions and Answers

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How do I volunteer?

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Do I need to make an appointment?

How do I make a donation?

Can I do my community service hours at this location?

What type of documentation do I need to apply for food?

2 Reviews

  1. 2023-11-13 15:04:30

    I have food to donate. Can I bring it to Bethel whenever they are open?

  2. 2023-01-13 23:24:54

    I am very confused as to why you would have someone working at a place that is about walking in gods footsteps and literally community's most vulnerable need a place like this to survive as well as get things they may need. Some people are barely able to leave there homes due to illness as well as not being able to go in public for many it takes everything to get out of house. I went into Bethel to buy an outfit for my 14 yr old to go to a dance at school Tomorrow. As I was there I was getting a huge basket of clothes and items for him. As I was walking a woman tells me you can't take those hangers only the clothes. I said ok thank you and kept shopping Now I was standing by counter in an Isle when the same woman literally tells an elderly gentleman I will take the hangers this time but next time you better leave them on the rack. Understand! It was shocking to hear a cashier speaking to an adult man this way. He seemed a bit annoyed but stayed polite. I finally went up to counter. As I was placing clothes I took them off hangers and set hangers on counter. This woman was so rude she kept telling me hurry up. How many people is she forcing out the doors daily.

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Pantry Details, hours, photos, information: Bethel Community Storehouse

Provides a emergency food box.

Photo ID
Proof of residency
Proof of income or referral

Tuesday - Friday
12:00pm - 3:45pm

Volunteering Information:


County or Counties Served: Torrance

* Important: Please call the food pantries to confirm that the hours have not changed. We do our best to provide full information and details, but food pantries often change their hours without notifying us. We do not want you to waste your time visiting a pantry that is not open.

Donations And Volunteers

Please contact us directly by phone to donate and/or volunteer.

Need More Information

We always need more information on our pantries. If you know of any details, volunteer information, website, hours or more description information about Bethel Community Storehouse please add a comment below with information. We will then display this for all visitors on this page.

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