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CARES Food Pantry - GEDCO Details Page

CARES Food Pantry - GEDCO

Contact Information
5502 York Road
Baltimore, MD - 21212
Phone: (410) 532-2273
Fax Number: (410) 433-4834

User Questions and Answers

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How do I volunteer?

Do you know if I can get food delivered to me?

Do I need to make an appointment?

How do I make a donation?

Can I do my community service hours at this location?

Do we have to live in one of the listed zip codes to receive food from your pantry?

What type of documentation do I need to apply for food?

1 Review

  1. 2020-09-28 06:12:17

    This organization is truly a blessing.I had several neighbors who are seniors with health issues and limited income and were in need of food etc. They were not able to walk to the car or down the steps. One neighbor asked me to visit your agency to pick up food. I called prior to coming to determine what was required. The agency required a picture i.d. with important mail showing their address..i.e telephone or utility bill. If person in need is unable to come, to send this information along with a letter, dated giving permission to whom ever to obtain the food in their name. I brought this information at the given times of operation. The representative had to check to make sure the persons lived in the zip code that was serviced. The representative entered one person's name in the system. The other person's name was in the system, from a previous time when this agency assisted them 1 year ago. I visited once every 2 weeks for these 2 people. It was great. The food was fresh.. meat, fresh veg and fruits were given. At times, when I visited I donated $5 or $10 dollars for their services. I thanked them asa always. I shopped for these seniors since 2019. I always purchased extra food because they could not afford to do so! Now since COVID19, I work crazy hours and could not always get to the market and stand in the long lines. GEDCO is truly, truly a blessing to those in need. The Staff is very friendly, patient and alert to those who are seeking help. They understand that people are stressed and are in unique situations! May GOD continue to Bless GEDCO who is a blessing to the community!

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Pantry Details, hours, photos, information: CARES Food Pantry - GEDCO

GEDCO's CARES serves families and individuals in crisis by connecting our customer-clients with resources that enable movement towards self-sufficiency. These resources include food and emergency financial assistance services.

CARES continues to be run by an extremely dedicated team, consisting of one full time and one part time employee, and over 100 volunteers. With the generous support and food donations made by GEDCO's fifty-three Member Organizations, individuals, schools, corporations, government agencies, and community groups.

Serves: Zip codes 21218 from the city to 33rd street and 21239, 21212, 21210.

Monday and Thursday
9:00am - 11:00am
10:00am - 12:00pm

For more information, please call.

Volunteering Information:


County or Counties Served: Baltimore City

* Important: Please call the food pantries to confirm that the hours have not changed. We do our best to provide full information and details, but food pantries often change their hours without notifying us. We do not want you to waste your time visiting a pantry that is not open.

Donations And Volunteers

Please contact us directly by phone to donate and/or volunteer.

Need More Information

We always need more information on our pantries. If you know of any details, volunteer information, website, hours or more description information about CARES Food Pantry - GEDCO please add a comment below with information. We will then display this for all visitors on this page.

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