About Food Pantries

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LIFE Interfaith Endeavor - L.I.F.E. Services Details Page

LIFE Interfaith Endeavor - L.I.F.E. Services

Contact Information
122 North 7th Street
Mitchell, IN - 47446
Phone: (812) 849-2111

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Pantry Details, hours, photos, information: LIFE Interfaith Endeavor - L.I.F.E. Services

LIFE may provide emergency assistance to Lawrence County families in need in the form of food, shelter, utilities and other assistance as available. Budget counseling and information & referral services may also be available. The goal of the L.I.F.E. Program is to encourage and to enable families to become self-sufficient.

L.I.F.E. members are Christians from the churches and other Christian organizations in Lawrence County. We have been serving the Lawrence County community since 1987. We are a 501 c (3) non-profit organization that assists low-income families in acquiring food, paying rent or mortgage, and utility bills in emergencies. We have a furniture bank and a back-to-school program, as well.
Acquiring Food
L.I.F.E. maintains a Food Pantry of donated food/household items to aid our clients in times of need. Clients must present photo ID and current proof of address. Clients who reside North of White River must obtain food from the Bedford pantry. Clients who reside South of White River must obtain food from the Mitchell pantry.

In emergencies, paying rent, mortgage or utilities
This service is provided in situations where eviction or loss of vital utilities are imminent. Clients must FIRST seek assistance through their township trustee.

Providing furniture

L.I.F.E. also maintains a Furniture Bank of donated items to help those families in need of beds, appliances and other items.

For more information, please call.

County or Counties Served: Lawrence

* Important: Please call the food pantries to confirm that the hours have not changed. We do our best to provide full information and details, but food pantries often change their hours without notifying us. We do not want you to waste your time visiting a pantry that is not open.

Donations And Volunteers

Please contact us directly by phone to donate and/or volunteer.

Need More Information

We always need more information on our pantries. If you know of any details, volunteer information, website, hours or more description information about LIFE Interfaith Endeavor - L.I.F.E. Services please add a comment below with information. We will then display this for all visitors on this page.

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