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St Vincent De Paul Society Details Page

St Vincent De Paul Society

Contact Information
2145 Broadview Rd.
Cleveland, OH - 44109
Phone: (216) 351-0144

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1 Review

  1. 2019-06-06 12:56:05

    I saw the recent article about you praying for vegetables and Baba's Yard bringing a donation. I've been going to this center for food for over 6 years now and I have never gotten any vegetables that weren't green beans in a can. Nor have I ever gotten any potatoes, not even chips. What I do get is 75-80% bread, white bread, which no one should be eating. I'm a one-person household and have seen loaded carts for families with chickens and such. It made me curious to know whether one-person households don't get the same types of things as families (which I believe I see) because there's no way to get smaller portions of some things. I generally give back most of the bread in the parking lot. I don't get protein to speak of (one can of pinto beans) and no protein to speak of either. I have put on weight and have diverticulosis from no fiber. I've studied nutrition for over 40 years now and question your purchase choices. Things like peanut butter with sugar, when sugar should never be in peanut butter and we shouldn't be feeding it to our poor with least access to doctors and choices all around. No one should be eating white bread and that's the bulk of what I get from you. If you stop buying bad things and stop taking donations of things like white bread people will learn more about how to keep a body healthy and they have to start making more fiber-filled breads. Just because it's free doesn't make it a good choice to give away. I'm thankful for what I do get but it's my only diet and does not supplement anything I buy because I don't buy anything with no money to do so, so this is all I have. No one should be eating pancakes because they get the mix free and the same with corn muffin mix. Not healthy choices. Boxes of stuffing mix are the same. White bread all and no nutritional value. Lack of fiber is killing me slowly and adding pain to my otherwise healthy body. I'm so fortunate to not have the health issues that my classmates are having but we need better choices from food banks. I'd rather have less but only healthy choices. More beans but different varieties, something other than canned green beans. No more mixes, it's a waste of money and you're killing us. I hope you will take this in the spirit in which it's intended. The goal shouldn't be to 'fill' us but to keep us healthy. I suspect you take what you can get from the larger food bank but we need to do better with their choices. And, when people make actual donations, they need to be given guidelines about what is acceptable and what is not. No added sugar to anything, no high fructose corn syrup in anything, high fiber, no mixes. How can we get this done so we can be healthy and not just 'full'?

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Pantry Details, hours, photos, information: St Vincent De Paul Society

Provides a food pantry.

Serves: Must live in zip codes 44109, 44129, 44130, 44134,44142, 44144. Income must follow TEFAP guidelines.

Documentation Required: Photo ID with Proof of Address

Pantry Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
10:00am - 1:00pm
Except not open on Saturday before a Monday holiday, the Saturday before Easter, Thanksgiving, and the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Food and clothing provided. For more information, please call.

County or Counties Served: Cuyahoga

* Important: Please call the food pantries to confirm that the hours have not changed. We do our best to provide full information and details, but food pantries often change their hours without notifying us. We do not want you to waste your time visiting a pantry that is not open.

Donations And Volunteers

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