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Cumberland/North Yarmouth Community Food Pantry (Cumberland Town Hall) Details Page

Cumberland/North Yarmouth Community Food Pantry (Cumberland Town Hall)

Contact Information
290 Tuttle Road
Cumberland, ME - 04021
Phone: (207) 232-5258

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Do you know if I can get food delivered to me?

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Can I do my community service hours at this location?

What type of documentation do I need to apply for food?

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Pantry Details, hours, photos, information: Cumberland/North Yarmouth Community Food Pantry (Cumberland Town Hall)

General Information:
What is the mission of the Community Food Pantry?
The goal is to alleviate hunger in our community by soliciting, collecting, growing and packaging food for distribution, and by creating an atmosphere of volunteerism in the community.

Who does the Community Food Pantry serve?
The food pantry serves individuals and families from Cumberland, North Yarmouth, Pownal, and New Gloucester. Its resources are also available to the members of the five sponsoring churches who are in need no matter where they live. However, in accordance with Federal guidelines and Pantry By-Laws, no one will be turned away. Those individuals/families not living in the service area will be encouraged to use the food pantry in their own community. The Community Food Pantry will work with other local food pantries to make sure these people are serviced.

Why is it called the Community Food Pantry and not the Cumberland Food Pantry?
The new pantry is being sponsored by Cumberland and North Yarmouth Churches. Also, there are a lack of food pantries in Pownal and New Gloucester; consequently Community is a better descriptor. Including just one town in the food pantry's official name could imply to some people that there may be limitations on who the food pantry could serve. For purposes of this web site, www.cumberlandfoodpantry.org was used due to nonavailability of the more generic name.

Where is the Food Pantry located?

After serving the community for many years at the United Congregational Church on Main Street in Cumberland, the pantry is now located in the back of the Cumberland Town Hall on the lower level in the former 2 bay heated garage used by the Police Department. The Cumberland Town Hall is closed on Fridays so there is an abundance of parking in the back of the Town Hall where the pantry is located.

Pantry Hours
1st, 2nd and 4th Friday of the month
3:00pm - 6:00pm

Will the Pantry be open if a Holiday falls on a Friday?

Bill Shane @ 829-2205 or 232-5258
Tom Gruber @ 781-4613 or 653-0561

For more information, please call.

County or Counties Served: Cumberland

* Important: Please call the food pantries to confirm that the hours have not changed. We do our best to provide full information and details, but food pantries often change their hours without notifying us. We do not want you to waste your time visiting a pantry that is not open.

Donations And Volunteers

Please contact us directly by phone to donate and/or volunteer.

Need More Information

We always need more information on our pantries. If you know of any details, volunteer information, website, hours or more description information about Cumberland/North Yarmouth Community Food Pantry (Cumberland Town Hall) please add a comment below with information. We will then display this for all visitors on this page.

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