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Hancock County Food Pantry Details Page

Hancock County Food Pantry

Contact Information
741 1/2 S State Road 9
Greenfield, IN - 46140
Phone: (317) 468-0273

User Questions and Answers

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How do I volunteer?

Do you know if I can get food delivered to me?

Do I need to make an appointment?

How do I make a donation?

Can I do my community service hours at this location?

What type of documentation do I need to apply for food?

4 Reviews

  1. 2022-02-18 13:12:15

    I’m from Outlook Christian Church and we are doing a day of serving. It would be 5 of us. Do you have any opportunities for us?

  2. 2015-01-18 00:00:00

    They DO NOT ask for proof of income. After more than a decade of serving this country as a United States Marine, I was embarrassed to ask for their help. But, now I am more embarrassed for you and your comments. I am going down there tomorrow to volunteer and give back to this gracious organization. I suggest you put your time to better use, as well ...

  3. 2014-10-27 00:00:00

    Why are you lying about this wonderful organization. Yes they ask for I'd and proof of address. But not for proof of income. Shame on you. The Lord knows the truth.

  4. 2014-07-03 00:00:00

    I came to the food pantry due to I was unable to but groceries for myself for one week, and the person ask not not only see my ID, but also an officiously statement from social security, so they said, to determine how much I was receiving in disability. I did not have this paperwork with me, plus I didn't think it was required, but was told it was. So, I was turned away and not only embarrassed to return, but went without food other than bread for several weeks. Could you please tell me what the proper rules are in order to receive food from food pantry, and if I was treated fairly? I have no family left alive I'm very sorry to say, and my job left me disabled over 14 years ago and unable to work. My rent keeps raising, which I cannot afford, plus I take 14 different types of medications. Thank you for you clarification. Judy Spive

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Pantry Details, hours, photos, information: Hancock County Food Pantry

Provides a food pantry.

Pantry Hours:
1:00pm - 2:30pm
5:30pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 10:30am
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Wednesday and Thursday
7:00 - 8:00pm

Donation Hours:
8:00am - 9:30am
8:00am - 9:00am
8:00am - 9:30am
and by appointment

For more information, please call.

Volunteering Information:


County or Counties Served: Hancock

* Important: Please call the food pantries to confirm that the hours have not changed. We do our best to provide full information and details, but food pantries often change their hours without notifying us. We do not want you to waste your time visiting a pantry that is not open.

Donations And Volunteers

Please contact us directly by phone to donate and/or volunteer.

Need More Information

We always need more information on our pantries. If you know of any details, volunteer information, website, hours or more description information about Hancock County Food Pantry please add a comment below with information. We will then display this for all visitors on this page.

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